Show Archive

Show Archive

From 2004-2011, Walking Boxes presented the following theatrical productions:

The Musicker’s Tribunal (2004)
The Musicker’s Lantern (2004)
The Musicker’s Balalaika (2006)
The Dragonfly Hunter: In the Shadows (2007)
Wallace & the Dragon (2007)
Set Sail for the Isle of Misfit Toys (2009)
Caligari (2005)
The Mess at Tesla’s (2008)
Donovan’s Brain (2005)
Chickens on the Freeway (2011)
The Camel’s Back (2007)
The Flyhard Jenkins Show
Ramsey House Christmas Special (2008-2009)

Walking Boxes also adapted and performed live radio dramas of these classics:

Christmas Carol (2006)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer (2007)
Paul Revere’s Ride (2006)
Legend of Sleepy Hollow (2006)

List of shows and venues

where Walking Boxes

presented their work.

Between 2012-2018, the band Srazhalys actively performed around the Twin Cities.
List of their shows.

Srazhalys performing in 2013